


Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Seminar: Protecting your overseas investments in a volatile global economy

   (東京都千代田区丸の内2-7-2 JPタワー22階)
Time and Date: Thursday, April 20, 2023 10:00~11:30 (Registration 9:30~)
Venue: Allen & Overy Tokyo (JP Tower 22F, 2-7-2, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Sponsors: Allen & Overy Tokyo, Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)
Language: English without interpretation 




  • 投資協定に規定される投資家保護の内容
  • 保護の適用対象
  • 保護を受けるためのディール・ストラクチャリングにおける留意点

本セミナーの開催と併せて弊事務所より「Managing Risk for Japanese Investors: Relationships with Host Governments」と題するガイドを発行する運びになりましたのでご案内いたします(日・英)。本ガイドブックでは日本企業が対外投資を行い投資対象国との間に紛争が生じた場合、投資への損害を回避し(あるいは最小限に抑え)、自分の立場を最大限有利にできるよう投資を計画・ストラクチャリングするためのポイントと実務的なガイダンスをまとめてあります。是非ご一読いただければ幸いです。本ガイドブックはご参加者様に当日配布いたします。

Co-ordinated global sanctions, US-China tensions, bubbling nationalism, interfering host states, the pandemic debt burden on developing economies… Against this backdrop, it’s essential to structure your deal to access every possible protection under Japan’s network of investment treaties, which may provide important remedies for Japanese investors.

Please join us for a practical session on investment treaty arbitration and host-state agreements in the current climate. At this seminar, you will hear from Matthew Hodgsona partner in A&O’s dispute resolution practice, and further your understanding in terms of what protections are available, who they protect (or don’t), and how to make sure your investment structure does not exclude you from protection.

At this event, we will also be launching our ISDS playbook, titled Managing Risk for Japanese Investors: Relationships with Host Governments.  This practical guide is designed to help investors with their investment planning in a way that avoids (or at the very least, minimises) damages to their overseas investments, and maximises their position should a dispute arise with a foreign host state. The playbook will be available in both Japanese and English.