


Construction Masterclass: Dealing with the impacts of price escalation

   セミナー 15:00~17:00(14:30受付開始)
   懇親会  17:00~19:00
会場:AP東京丸の内 コンベンションルーム(F・Gルーム)
   (東京都千代田区丸の内1-1-3 日本生命丸の内ガーデンタワー3階)
Time and Date: Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Seminar 15:00~17:00 (registration from 14:30)
Drinks   17:00~19:00
Venue: Convention Room AP Marunouchi (Rooms F&G)
(Nippon Life Insurance Marunouchi Garden Tower 3F, 1-1-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Sponsored by Herbert Smith Freehills GJBJ and Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)
Supported by The Overseas Construction Association of Japan, Inc. (OCAJI)
Language: English without interpretation


概要/ Summary



We invite you to attend our 2023 construction masterclass on managing the challenges and impacts of price escalation in the construction industry. This event will provide valuable insights into how price changes during the bid period can affect your projects, as well as strategies for mitigating the risk and impact of insolvent contractors.

As a leader in the construction industry, we understand the importance of staying up-to-date on the latest trends and challenges facing our industry. This masterclass is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to effectively manage the impact of price escalation, ensuring the success of your projects.



クレイグ・シェパード(ハーバート・スミス・フリーヒルズ パートナー、アジア・コンストラクション・ハブ)
Craig Shepherd, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills, Asian Construction Hub
エレイン・ウォング(ハーバート・スミス・フリーヒルズ パートナー、東京オフィス)
Elaine Wong, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills, Tokyo
ダン・ウォルデック(ハーバート・スミス・フリーヒルズ パートナー、アジア・コンストラクション・ハブ)
Daniel Waldek, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills, Asian Construction Hub