


ESG Risks and Countermeasures in the Construction Industry

主催:Debevoise & Plimpton LLP、一般財団法人海外投融資情報財団
使用言語:英語 (同時通訳付)
Date and Time: Wednesday, January 24, 2024 14:00~15:30 (Registration 13:30~ with coffee service)
Venue: Japan Bank for International Cooperation 9th Floor Auditorium
Sponsors: Debevoise & Plimpton LLP and Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)
Supporter: Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
Language: English (with simultaneous interpretation)


セミナー概要/Seminar Outline


As the global ESG agenda gathers pace, businesses in every major sphere of activity are grappling with a host of new challenges. These include responding to an increasingly complex regime of regulatory disclosures and reporting requirements; adapting their operations to meet emerging norms under both domestic and international laws; and accounting for the performance of their suppliers.
International, carbon, labor and natural resource intensive, with long supply chains over which only limited control is exercised, construction businesses are highly exposed to ESG risks, and to the fast-developing regulatory regimes around the world.
This seminar will explore some of the challenges the construction sector faces in meeting its ESG obligations and aspirations. It will look at how those obligations can be engaged, sometimes unexpectedly, in different jurisdictions around the world. And it will explore ways in which the risks and challenges can be mitigated, overcome, or turned to competitive advantage.



13:30 受付(コーヒーサービス付)/Registration with Coffee Service
14:00 イントロダクション/Introduction
14:10 講演/Presentation
15:10 質疑応答/Questions & Answers



トニー・ダイモンド(Debevoise & Plimpton LLP ロンドン・香港事務所 パートナー)
Tony Dymond, Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, London & Hong Kong


お問い合わせは事業企画部あてにご連絡ください。/Inquiry Form