


Market Disruption Readiness: Anticipate major legal and geopolitical business interruption risks and adapt or exit timely countries or regions in turmoil

Date and Time: Tuesday, February 6, 2024 14:00-16:30 (registration from 13:30)
Venue: Japan Bank of International Cooperation (JBIC) 9th Floor Auditorium
Sponsored by Dentons, Dentons Global Advisors, Anderson Mori Tomotsune and Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)
Supported by Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
Language: English and Japanese (without interpretation)

セミナー概要/Summary of Seminar


Following a period of rapid globalization, companies are now operating in an environment of increased geopolitical volatility and world order changes. Global corporations have already suffered heavy financial losses due to forced market exits, and there is the possibility for similar disruptions elsewhere around the world at any time. Drawing on their experience in assisting companies exit markets such as Russia, Iran and Myanmar, lawyers from global law firm Dentons, together with Dentons Global Advisors will share case studies from successful market exits and restructurings, analyze legal and geopolitical risks, and share insights for Japanese companies on how to prepare for and navigate legal, geopolitical, regulatory, reputational and commercial risks around the globe.


開会挨拶/Seminar Opening
(欧州復興開発銀行(EBRD)東京事務所長 大矢 伸)

Market Disruption Readiness Presentation
(Dentons法律事務所Pierre Parvine and Ling Yi Quek)
(Dentonsグローバル・アドバイザーズ Eric Altbach and John Hughes)

 Why market disruption readiness is essential for global business
◆過去の撤退支援案件をベースとしたケーススタディー/Case studies
 ・中国/China scenario planning
 ・ロシア(経済制裁措置の動向)/Russia (Sanctions policy developments)
 Conducting risk assessments and scenario planning
 Importance of building comprehensive stakeholder relationships
 Protecting or adapting your international supply chain/ Adopting financing structures
 How to protect your investment and accelerate your return to market in case of a market exit

コーヒーブレイク/Coffee Break

日本法の観点から考慮すべき留意点/Consideration from Japanese law perspective
(アンダーソン・毛利・友常法律事務所外国法共同事業 パートナー弁護士 藤田 将貴)

How to organize risk anticipation practically in international Japanese Groups
(Dentons法律事務所Pierre Parvine)
(Dentonsグローバル・アドバイザーズ John Hughes)

質疑応答/Questions & Answers
(How Dentons and Dentons Global Advisors can help, Legal element and Policy element)

進行(Dentons法律事務所EMEA地域統括パートナー弁護士 川井 拓良)
Facilitator: Takura Kawai, Head of Japan Practice, Dentons EMEA


大矢 伸(欧州復興開発銀行(EBRD)東京事務所長)
大矢伸氏は2022年3月に欧州復興開発銀行(EBRD)に入行、現在は東京事務所長を務めています。前職の国際協力銀行(JBIC)においては、アジア部・課長、石油天然ガス部・課長、ニューデリー首席駐在員、業務企画室審議役、調査担当特命駐在員(在ワシントンDC)などを歴任しており、世界情勢についての豊富な知見を有しています。 地経学、地政学に関する寄稿やセミナーも多数行っており、2022年には単著「地経学の時代―米中対立と国家・企業・価値―」(実業之日本社)を出版しています。

ピエール・パルヴィネ(Dentons法律事務所 パリ事務所 パートナー)
Pierre Parvine Partner in the Corporate M&A practice, Paris. He has 25 years of experience providing quality legal advice in markets in transition across Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). He is the co-Head of the Europe Industrials sector group at Dentons. A key aspect of his practice consists in assisting clients in market exits (Middle-East, Russia) or in de-risking schemes of their operations in the EMEA.

エリック・G・アルトバック(Dentonsグローバル・アドバイザーズ Albright Stonebridge Group パートナー)
Eric G. Altbach is a Partner at Albright Stonebridge Group, part of Dentons Global Advisors, Washington DC, where he assists clients in China, Japan, South Korea, and other East Asian markets in developing strategies for long-term growth. Mr. Altbach has over 15 years of experience working on U.S.-Asia trade and economic relations in the public, private, and social sectors.
Prior to joining ASG, Mr. Altbach served as Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China Affairs, where he was responsible for Taiwan and China, with a particular focus on energy and environment issues. Before that, Mr. Altbach served at the National Security Council (NSC) as Director for Asian Economic Affairs, where he led interagency coordination of U.S. Trade and Economic policy for the region and preparations for the President’s participation in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Meeting.  He also held several roles at the U.S. Department of State, including serving as a Senior Economic Analyst in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, covering Asian Economic issues.

ジョン・ヒューズ(Dentonsグローバル・アドバイザーズ パートナー)
John Hughes is Partner at Dentons Global Advisors and is based in Washington, DC. As a senior member of the Intelligence offering, he has an extensive track record working on issues at the intersection of geopolitics, geoeconomics, risk analysis, public policy and strategy across roles in government, the private sector and consulting.​
Most recently, Mr. Hughes served as the Head of Geopolitical Engagement at X (previously known as Twitter), where he drove the company’s strategies on priority global issues.​ Previously, he was a Senior Vice President at Albright Stonebridge Group, which became part of Dentons Global Advisors in 2021, where he advised clients on market entry and expansion, government affairs, and managing regulatory issues. Mr. Hughes also served as the Acting Director in the Office of Sanctions Policy and Implementation in the State Department’s Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs. In this role, he helped set policy priorities for sanctions and export control regimes around the globe and served as a key liaison to the private sector.

藤田 将貴(アンダーソン・毛利・友常法律事務所外国法共同事業 パートナー)


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