


TVA Economic Development Virtual Series: Automotive Update on Japanese OEMs in Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee, including a Brief Overview of Japan’s Current Economic Impact and Investment Activities Within these Key States

Time and Date: Friday, Feb 19, 9:00am-10:45am (JST)
Location: Zoom webinar (Live and On-demand streaming)
Sponsored by the Tennessee Valley Authority – Economic Development Group
Co-Sponsored by PASONA and Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)

ウェビナーの目的/The Purpose of the Webinar



The purpose of this webinar will be to update you and your company on recent investment activities by Japanese automotive companies in each of the three States of Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Each State will also provide a brief overview of the current economic impact that Japan contributes to each of their economies. This will be followed by a brief overview and description of recent Japanese investments that have been made in these States over the last 2 – 3 years.

What you as a participant should learn:
• A general overview of programs and incentives to assist Japanese investment.
• An automotive briefing on the latest activity with Japanese Automotive OEMs and suppliers.
• A general overview of the latest announcements of Japanese automotive investments.
• A general overview of the current economic impact that Japan contributes to each state’s economy.

講師紹介/Presenters from State Economic Development Organizations 

Hollie Pegg – Assistant Director, Asian Strategy – Alabama Department of Commerce
寺澤英光 – 代表、テネシー州経済開発庁日本事務所
小林幸夫 – 代表、米国ミシシッピ州政府駐日代表事務所 

Hollie Pegg – Assistant Director, Asian Strategy – Alabama Department of Commerce
Terry Terasawa – Director & Representative, Japan Office – Tennessee Department of Economic and
Community Development
Yukio Kobayashi – Director, Japan Office – State of Mississippi

お問い合わせは事業企画部あてにご連絡ください。/Inquiry Form