


Dealing with NGOs: How To Protect Corporate Reputation

日時:2021年10月20日(水) 14:00〜15:00
主催:J.S. Held Japan LLC、一般財団法人海外投融資情報財団(JOI)

Time and Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2021 14:00h-15:00h (JST)
Location: Webinar (Live and On-demand streaming)
Sponsors: J.S. Held Japan LLC, Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI))






Most companies are experienced in fielding questions on their business practices. However, recently they are being asked to respond to and deal with even closer scrutiny and steeper expectations for action on climate change and ethical practices, particularly as it concerns human rights.
With the sustainability mandate comes specific demands for transparency and accountability and tough questions about where and how revenues are extracted. Well-funded NGOs and NPOs monitor business practices in terms of environmental impact, social impact, working hours, wages, conditions, diversity, health hazards, child labor, air and water quality, and more. They are rightfully passionate about the causes they serve.
Reputational risk is a major and influential concern in a social media-led world. It can potentially entail a number of consequences, including:
◆Being singled out, sanctioned, boycotted, shut out of mergers and acquisitions and other business deals, or targeted by activist investors;
◆Financial risk in investor withdrawal, sinking stock prices, plus the cost and disruption from any remedial action the company must undertake; and
◆Operational risk from social unrest, workforce disputes, strikes, and reviewing policies and practices throughout an organization.

NGOs have a big role to play and they can be perceived by corporates as an aggressor or an ally.
In this seminar we will explore the role of NGOs and their activity particularly as it relates to Japanese companies.
With reference to case studies we will define best practice for responding and engaging with NGOs in order to protect corporate reputation while addressing issues of concern.


(1)イシューを理解する/What is the issue?
◆NGOとは?その目的は?/What are NGOs and what are their objectives
◆日本企業に対するNGOの圧力の事例/Examples of NGO pressure on Japanese companies 
◆対応を選択する/Choosing to respond
◆ハイリスクな事業活動/High risk business operations
(2)NGOの活動に対応するための戦略/Strategies for handling NGO activity
◆NGOについて知る/Understanding the NGO
◆NGOが指摘している内容とその目的を理解する/Understanding allegations and objectives
◆より広いステークホルダーの視点を理解する/Understanding wider stakeholders perspectives
◆レピュテーションリスクの評価/Evaluating reputational risk
(3)対応策/Response strategy
◆企業の責任とレピュテーション/Corporate responsibility and reputation
◆コミュニケーション戦略/Communication strategy
◆協働することの意義/Value of collaboration
(4)ケーススタディ/Case Studies
◆成功例と失敗例/Key examples that demonstrate both positive and negative outcomes




ベン・フォーエイカー(J.S. Held Japan LLC日本オフィス代表兼アジア太平洋地域グローバル調査部門リード) 
Ben Fouracre, Managing Director, Japan Representative, Asia Pacific Investigations Practice Lead, J.S. Held Japan LLC

Ben Fouracre has been based in Japan for over 15 years from where he has assisted both Japanese and foreign multinationals throughout Asia with risk management, strategic planning, operational execution, market entry, business intelligence, due diligence, crisis response and design and implementation of global programs.

He has been involved in providing support, advice and training to companies facing operational challenges in emerging markets related to compliance, sustainability and operational improvement. His clients include major name Japanese multinationals and global corporates operating across a number of diversified industries. 
Ben was recognized as a Global Leader in Investigations in the 2021 Who’s Who Legal Guide.

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