


Responsible Supply Chains; Dealing with Human Rights Issues

Time and Date: Thursday, March 11, 2021, 14:00~15:00
Location: Webinar (Live and On-demand streaming)
Sponsored by Berkeley Research Group, TMI Associates and Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI)



◆課題は何か?/What is the issue?
*最近の報道による告発/Recent media exposure
*NGOの活動および圧力/NGO activity and pressure
*問題の概要/Overview of the issue
*ハイリスクな事業活動/High risk business activities

◆ビジネスへの影響/What does it mean for business?
*ビジネスと人権/Business and Human Rights
*国連指導原則/UN Principles
*外国当局による法制化の状況/Status of foreign legislation
*国別行動計画/Japan National Action Plan

◆リスクへの対応/Addressing the risk
*企業の責任/Corporate responsibility
*サプライチェーンの定義/Defining the supply chain
*サプライヤーリスクの軽減/Mitigating supplier risk
*人権に関するポリシー策定と運用/Human rights policy and implementation
*サプライヤーとのコミュニケーション/Supply chain interaction
*適切なデューデリジェンス/Adequate due diligence
*NGOへの対応/Responding to NGOs
◆日本の事例/Japan case studies
*ベストプラクティス/Best practices


ベン・フォーエイカ-(バークレー・リサーチ・グループ 日本代表ディレクター、サステナブルコーポレーションプログラムリード)
Ben Fouracre, Japan Representative Director, Sustainable Corporations Program Lead, The Berkeley Research Group
Ben Fouracre has been based in Japan for 15 years from where he has assisted both Japanese and foreign multinationals throughout Asia with strategic planning, operational execution, market entry, business intelligence, due diligence, crisis response, brand integrity, and design and implementation of global programs.
He has been involved in providing support, advice and training to companies facing operational challenges in emerging markets related to compliance, sustainability and operational improvement.
His clients have included government organizations and major, culturally diverse multinationals across a number of diversified industries.

戸田謙太郎(TMI総合法律事務所 パートナー)
Kentaro Toda, Partner, TMI Associates
戸田謙太郎は2019年度のthe Legal 500 Asia Pacificにおいて、Next Generation Lawyersに選ばれました。
Kentaro was recognized as a Next Generation Lawyer in the Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2019.
His main fields of business are related to overseas regulation, global compliance and governance, antitrust and competition law, and trade issues.
He has a wide range of experience, including acting on behalf of producers, importers and users in government investigations, acting on behalf of producers and advice for investigations by overseas authorities.
In addition to being familiar with the practice of building a global compliance information governance system, including the use of forensics, he also energetically conducts in-house compliance training.

資料を閲覧するためにはログインが必要です。/In order to see the material, you must login.

お問い合わせは事業企画部あてにご連絡ください。/Inquiry Form



  • 会員限定責任のあるサプライチェーン:人権問題への対処

    ベン・フォーエイカ-(バークレー・リサーチ・グループ 日本代表ディレクター、サステナブルコーポレーションプログラムリード)Ben Fouracre, Japan Representative Director, Sustainable Corporations Program Lead, The Berkeley Research Group
    戸田謙太郎(TMI総合法律事務所 パートナー)
    Kentaro Toda, Partner, TMI Associates